Sunday 2 June 2013

Myths About Gen Y's

For those of you who are Gen Y’s or work with them, hopefully you’ll find this article of interest.  I reference 8 myths – and truths – about generation Y (Canadian HR Reporter May 20, 2013 – by Cheryl Cran).  Myth 1 – Gen Y’s are disloyal…truth – Gen Y’s look at company loyalty differently – as opposed to time on the job, they are loyal to both their leaders and their co-workers.  Myth 2 – Gen Y’s  don’t want to work long or hard…truth Gen Y’s believe in using technology to work smarter.  They don’t equate long hours with quality of work.  Myth 3 – Gen Y’s  don’t know how to connect face-to-face…truth Gen Y’s know how to connect but also connect worldwide using technology and don’t see the value of face-to-face connection when it can be done efficiently through technology.  Myth 4 – Gen Y’s don’t care about timeliness and call in sick to do something fun…truth Gen Y’s value a work life balance and have no problem being late or leaving early but will pull ‘all-nighters’ to get a project done.  Myth 5 – Gen Y’s are rude in meetings as they address their smart phones…truth Gen Y’s see this as being efficient.  Myth 6 – Gen Y’s are self-focused…truth Gen Y’s have been raised to believe if they ask they will get and are used to instant reward.  They also have a strong sense of civic duty and community.  Myth 7 – Gen Y’s want to be promoted quickly or they’re out of there…truth Gen Y’s believe they should be rewarded for performance and promotion is one way.  They look for a career path and opportunity.  As a good leader of Gen Y’s it is important to teach them the ‘why’ in what they do and why they need to earn rewards.  Myth 8 – Gen Y’s are high maintenance…truth Gen Y’s are used to ongoing recognition and find annual performance reviews archaic.  They need real time feedback in the form of inspirational feedback rather critical.  In my opinion, Gen Y’s have such a great attitude towards life and work and are a very confident bunch. We need to learn to harness the energy and embrace the different working styles – this is a generation of great ideas and courage and the technology they bring is not going away.